
Friday, September 24, 2004

5:00 horror: Maybe this time "all" of Bushs military records have been released? 


Ha ha ha.


The Defense Department released the records in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by The Associated Press. Friday was the court-ordered deadline for the Pentagon to turn over all records it could find on Bush's Texas Air National Guard service.

The release marked the second Friday night in a row that the Defense Department has released more of the president's National Guard files. The White House has repeatedly announced this year that all of Bush's records have been released, only to have the Pentagon come up with more files in response to the AP's lawsuit and FOIA requests.

The records do not have information about the most controversial aspects of Bush's service: gaps in attendance for as long as six months in 1972 and 1973 and the future president's decision to skip a required medical examination in 1972 that ended his certification to fly F-102A fighters.
(via AP)


So, where was Bush during his missing year? And why has no witness come forward to claim that $50,000 reward?

And why did Bush miss that medical exam?

And why on earth is Bush proud of a record that ends with being grounded?

And is Bush just as proud of the thousands he's sent to their deaths in his own war?

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