Monday, August 30, 2004
I propose a new addition to the Lexicon. This one stands for Yet Another Republican Hypocrite. The term also conveniently represents the sound which often comes out of our mouths when some out-of-touch friend or relative says something like "How can you not like the President, he's such a Godly man, and so strong."
(via TeenyNYT)
BTW: When I first saw this story at some ghastly hour this morning it was up quite high on the page. It has since slipped way down and over to the right (say it together: "YARH!") and is listed under the heading "Books."
(via TeenyNYT)
Among the stoutest defenders of "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry," the best-selling book arguing that Mr. Kerry lied about his record of service in Vietnam, is the columnist Robert Novak.Yeah, his point of view is "I don't want the damn kid back sleeping on my basement couch again dammit, so he better keep this job." Also remember that "strong" has several meanings, one of which is "emitting a particularly pungent stench, as in 'a strong cheese.'"
Unmentioned in Mr. Novak's columns and television appearances, however, is a personal connection he has to the book: his son, Alex Novak, is the director of marketing for its publisher, the conservative publishing house Regnery.
In a telephone interview, Robert Novak said he saw no need to disclose the link.
"I don't think it's relevant," he said.
"I'm just functioning as a columnist with a point of view, and a strong point of view," he added.
BTW: When I first saw this story at some ghastly hour this morning it was up quite high on the page. It has since slipped way down and over to the right (say it together: "YARH!") and is listed under the heading "Books."