
Sunday, August 29, 2004

Swift boat smears: We're all part of the war room now 

Strib editor Jim Boyd:

We are in the middle of an important national event: the real-time confrontation of a political smear. In previous elections, the examination has almost always been in retrospect. Now the smear, against John Kerry's military service, is being critically examined as it happens. Vigilance is required, and a little courage.

This is not about who is elected, but about how we allow this campaign to unfold, especially on our pages. I am sick to death of being played for a chump by the likes of Karl Rove. America can definitely do better.
(Minneapolis Star Tribune via the ever essential Atrios)


And we in the blogosphere can—and have—played a part in critically examining these smears.

Yes, we're all part of the war room now.

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