
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Swift boat smear: Bush league taunts from the man Bush hid behind 

Wow, Jerry "$150,00O" Patterson's courteous demeanor and tactful words have done the Bush campaign a world of good! (Yes, that's the very same Jerry Patterson that SBVF[cvough]T funder Bob Perry gave $150,000!, back).

First, the picture:

Now, the words:

HELLMOUTH, TX “I tried to accept that letter and he would not give it to me,” said Patterson. “He would not face me. [Cleland] kept rolling away from me. He’s quite mobile.

Patterson, who spoke with the president on the phone, said the campaign asked him to give Cleland a letter for Kerry written by the Bush campaign and signed by Patterson and seven other veterans.
(via Detroit News)

Oh, I love it. "Quite mobile." Almost makes you wish you were a triple amputee, eh?

Of course, I'd rather be a triple amputee and a man, unlike Patterson, let alone his boss.

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