
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Seymour Hersh's book comes out September 21 

Sayeth USA Today.

Gee, wonder if some more revelations will come out around that time?

Like something to put an end to the pathetic, deal-making farce that has Englund torturing prisoners "for fun", that is with no involvement going up the chain of command. It's The Fog Machine in action: Rule 4 (back here: "Subordinates are sacrificed to protect superiors." What a world, when a horrific story like this is the cover for actions that are far, far worse.

Wonder if Hersh has the videos of shrieking boys being raped? Actually, that's sensationalism; I'd really prefer if Hersh revealed the back channel that fed the photos and videos from Abu Ghraib to the West Wing; my guess would be one of those ambitious young staffers from the Heritage Foundation, working for the RNC/CPA.

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