
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

"Outside groups" 

I love this noxious little meme, and Bush is propagating it real hard, so expect more of it. (The print edition of the Not-The-Los-Angeles-They-Do-Reporting New York Times had a great juxtaposition this morning: The headline "Defense Leaders Faulted by Panel in Prison Abuse: Report by Outside Group Covers Iraq, Cuba, and Afghanistan" was right next to "[President [sic] Urges Outside Groups to Halt All Ads."

Oh, but wait, those are two kinds of "outside groups," right?

So what can Inerrant Boy mean, when he says "outside groups"? It's hard to know—Scott "Sucka MC" McLlellan tried out the even more noxious "shadowy outside groups" in a recent gaggle&mmdash;"Shadowy? Sounds like some kinda terrist, Myrt! Or maybe even libruls!" "He's talkin' sense, Merle!"—but apparently that one didn't work in the focus groups, since Bush isn't using it.

I mean, MoveOn.Org isn't an "outside group"—it's a PAC, with millions of members, most of whom are small contributors.

I guess he must mean "outside" in the sense of "outside the $300 million VRWC."

Or "outside my control."

Like those "outside agitators" who were always stirring up the Happy Nigras back in the segregated days to which so many in the VWRC would have us return....

NOTE Be sure to watch America's other trusted news source, The Daily Show (back), tonight!

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