
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Nailed At Last 

Of course it doesn't start to go far enough; the buck, or in this case the bull, not to mention the blood, starts and stops at the desk of George W. Bush. In the meantime, this is nice to see for an appetizer:

(via NYT)

For Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign over the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib would be a mistake, the four-member panel headed by James M. Schlesinger asserted on Tuesday. But in tracing responsibility for what went wrong at Abu Ghraib, it drew a line that extended to the defense secretary's office.

The panel cited what it called major failures on the part of Mr. Rumsfeld and his aides in not anticipating and responding swiftly to the post-invasion insurgency in Iraq. On the eve of the Republican convention, that verdict could not have been welcome at the White House, where postwar problems in Iraq represent perhaps President Bush's greatest political liability.
Rumsfeld, of course, did not make the decision to go into Iraq. He serves, as we all know, at the "pleasure of the President of the United States." Between this report, the Swift Liars pile 'o shit deepening around his feet as we speak, Dick "GFY" Cheney of all people going off the reservation on the gay issue, and other incursions of karma, we somehow doubt Dear Leader is having a very happy time in Crawford. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

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