
Friday, August 13, 2004

Isn't it about time Waura got a little scrutiny? 

After all—and imagine the furor if Hillary was doing this—Lady MacBush is giving a prime time speech at the Republican Coronation Convention:

[A]s Mrs. Bush begins several weeks of solo barnstorming in states crucial for her husband's re-[sic]election, she is becoming an increasingly visible and effective part of White House strategy, largely because she is seen as someone above the rough-and-tumble of the political fray.

And less than three weeks from now, in what will undoubtedly be her most important public moment of the 2004 campaign, she will give one of the prime-time speeches at the Republican National Convention in New York.
(via Times)

We'll leave the guy she killed in a car crash out of it. After all, She was young, and no doubt came by Her sense of impunity and entitlement honestly (back), just as Her daughters (back) have.

And we won't hold that AWOL thing against her—after all, she has to lie about that. Though we do wonder what will happen when (and if) AP wins that suit to have the microfilm of Bush's records released.

But her tendency to just, well, lie herself and to laugh it off when others lie... Well, that's just the kind of enabler Inerrant Boy would marry, right?

Sure, they're little white lies. Like the cute "lump in the bed" lie (back). Or the "never read the papers" lie (back).

No biggie, right? Except when Waura finally does tell a real whopper, will anyone notice or call her on it?

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