
Thursday, August 05, 2004

If Kerry had been President.... 

Naturally, MSGOP buries the money quote from Kerry deep, deep down in a story about the latest transparent, hare-brained scheme Bush is going to use to move money out of your pocket into the pockets of his backers. But here it is:

[KERRY]: "Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whisper in my ear that America is under attack, I would have told those kids very nicely and politely that the president of the United States has something that he needs to attend to," Kerry said
(via MSNBC)

And guess what! Kerry has mastered the subjunctive! And to think we thought that the subjunctive was as dead as the Democrat's will to win. But maybe both have turned out to be alive, eh?

Funny thing the story isn't Kerry taking dead aim at what Bush and the CW consider his strongest point. I wonder why that is?

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