
Friday, August 06, 2004

Great headlines of our time: "Job Growth Anemic, Markets Stunned" 

Um, I'm not stunned. Are you stunned? Didn't think so. Here are the ugly, ugly numbers:

U.S. employers added just 32,000 workers to payrolls last month, a surprisingly weak number that led Wall Street to fret about second-half economic growth and to expect a slower pace of interest-rate rises.
(via Reuters)

Really? What's surprising about it? Not only does it keep happening, it's the result of Bush policies ("Jobs growth flatlined: A touch of the overseers lash," back) After all, profits are up, so Bush's backers are happy, so why should He give two shits about you?

Expectations on Wall Street had centered on a 228,000-job gain.

Here's to President 15%! (32,000/228,000)

July's overall gain was the smallest since December and well short of the 150,000 or so jobs economists say need to be created each month just to keep pace with an expanding labor force and ensure the unemployment rate doesn't rise.

Turning the corner, alright—turning the corner right down the tubes! (For you, of course. Bush's backers, buddies, and fluffers are doing just fine, thank you very much!)

Anyhow, for those of you without jobs: Think of the contribution you're making to taking that slippery little scut down. Hope is on the way!

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