
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

"Free-riders" for Bu$h? 

The twins were cruising around Brooklyn and decided they needed some pocket change so they pulled up to the ATM and.....

Lookee here what Scaramouche found online. Who has an ATM receipt like this?

Uh...., Halliburton lobbyist? Or, maybe this guy: Rear Adm. Billy "the skimmer" Schachte:

Web Of Connections Grows Wider: $40 Million Contract From The Bush Administration And A "Swift Shift In Stories" Four days ago, retired naval Rear Adm. William L. Schachte Jr. seconded accusations made by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth seeking to discredit Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry's record in Vietnam. But since then, Democrats have discovered that Schachte is also a long-standing supporter of President Bush and a lobbyist whose client FastShip Inc. recently won a $40 million grant from the federal government. According to a March 18 legal filing by Schachtes firm, Blank Rome, Schachte was one of the lobbyists working for FastShip on issues such as the effort to win funding for a new marine cargo terminal. On Feb. 2, Philadelphia-based FastShip announced that it would receive $40 million in federal funding for the project. In addition, David Norcross, Schachte's colleague in the Washington office of Blank Rome, is chairman of this week's Republican convention in New York. Records also show that Schachte gave $1,000 to Bush's 2000 and 2004 campaigns. (Washington Post, 8/30/04)- USNewswire


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