
Monday, August 23, 2004

Bring On the Battle, Bunny! 

So I'm over reading Juan Cole like every informed person does on a daily basis (proving that no member of the media fits this description, since they're still spewing the babble that "nobody knows why the siege of the Shrine of Ali has gone on so long"--yup, Juan explains this).

Then in the middle of an exceptionally cogent description of the historical and current structure of Shi'a and Sunni Islam he throws in a suggestion to go read something called The Pink Bunny of Battle.

I am not making this up.

But hell, if Juan Cole suggests I read a website, well damn, I'm gonna at least take a look at it. You should too. The topic today is Academic Freedom, which may sound a teensy bit on the dry side but contains gems like this one:
Once you’ve got the public convinced that there’s a Problem (even if it doesn’t exist), you’re ready to reveal your solution. On the surface, your solution will appear to be for what everyone wants. But it’s deceptive, duplicitous, and deceitful. If you want to do away with motherhood, you’d call your organization Saving Motherhood. This way, you can easily deal with your critics — you just say that they’re obviously against motherhood. Meanwhile, you sell your own mother down the river. Anyone who wants to expose your organization is going to have to engage in “nuance,” which means that your opponents have roughly zero chance of getting their point across to the public.
With all due respect to the Whiskey Bar, old denizens thereof should take a look at the Bunny's, er, hutch. He take comments, too, and what the hell, Billmon's on vacation anyhow.

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