
Friday, August 13, 2004

The boy in the bubble 

Self-delusion, spin, vanity? Who knows? Bush pins the bogon meter yet again:

When I travel the country, and I've been traveling a lot, there are thousands of people who come out and wave, and they are -- you know, they respect the presidency. Sometimes they like the president, but I have this -- I don't have a sense that there's a lot of anger.
(via The Larry King Show here)


Could it be that Bush—unlike Kerry—never goes before a crowd that isn't carefully screened by his operatives? A crowd that only contains His supporters?

Bush certainly has an odd idea of what "traveling the country" means. I would think it means seeing all Americans, wouldn't you? Oh, wait. Now I get it. People who don't support Bush are traitors, and unGodly. Therefore not, really, Americans. Phew!

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