
Monday, August 16, 2004

Bought and Sold; honey buns at PBS batting their eyes at Wal-Mart 

As if lifting their skirts for Tucker "Jacuzzi Boy" Carlson and the pompous pasty old second story diddlers from the Wall Street Journal op-ed pool wasn't icky enough, now, PBS is powdering itself up for their new Wal-Mart sugar daddy.

From the August 30,2004 issue of The Nation
THE LIBERAL MEDIA by Eric Alterman: PBS Adds Insult to Injury

The far right's decades-long campaign to falsely brand PBS a leftist conspiracy--one that apparently included giving shows to such commies as William F. Buckley, Louis Rukeyser, Ben Wattenberg and Fortune magazine--has really hit pay dirt this year, first in creating a show around CNN's conservative talking head Tucker Carlson, and now, far more egregiously, in creating a program for the extremist editorial board of the Wall Street Journal.

Via the NY Times/Business section - August 16, 2004

Wal-Mart stung by criticism of its labor practices, expansion plans and other business tactics, is turning to public radio, public television and even journalists in training to try to improve its image.

So far this year, the company has become a sponsor on National Public Radio, where recorded messages promote its stores. It has underwritten a popular talk show, "Tavis Smiley," accompanied by similar promotional messages, on a public television station in California.

Putting the pitiful back in PBS. And, journalists in training?


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