
Friday, July 30, 2004

To a Republican, life is cheap (at least when it's somebody else's) 

What a coincidence! OSHA actually does something, and it just happens to be in Ohio%mdash;a swing state!

TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - Federal investigators Friday announced $280,000 in fines against the builder of a bridge where four workers were killed when a 1,000-ton crane collapsed.

U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials said at a news conference that St. Louis-based Fru-Con Construction Corp. did not follow instructions for safely operating the crane and violated three othPr federal workplace safety standards.
(via AP)

Do the math: that's $70,000 a life. Sounds like just a cost of doing business to me.

So I think we can have The Department of "How Stupid Do They Think We Are?" handle this one.

Really, if Bush wants to pander to swing state voters, he's going to have to do a lot better than that.

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