
Sunday, July 11, 2004

T is for Terror and Traitor and T-Shirt... 

...and Tinfoil Hat Boy!

What 7th and 8th graders understand but far too many in the Republican Party, especially the so advertised "adults" preening the Bush do not:

[snip] The First Amendment protects Americans' right to express opinions about the government and to criticize the actions of government officials. Such free-speech rights are not protected in some countries. People living under a totalitarian government, for example, have no right to speak freely. If they criticize the actions of the government, they may be punished. [snip]

Thanks to Tinfoil Hat Boy who sent in that snip above. The passage itself resides in a junior high school Civics textbook. Given the similar recent outbreak of T-shirt related political "hate speech" being hurled against our Leader (His Divine Absolute Presence Commander Uhm), it might be a wise move if the Karl Rove or the RNC were to dispatch some kind of cultural purification pre-strike reconnaissance and interdiction team to remove such subversive anti-American belletristic matter from the public square before it roots itself in the collective imagination of our nation's youth. Hey, before ya know it, some traitorous kid will be printing that dangerous filth on T-shirts and selling the things to adults!

:: Previous documented T(error)-shirt threat information via Xan: BushCo vs. Civil Liberties

:: And more incidents via: The Donkey


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