
Monday, July 12, 2004

Is This What They Meant By "Sacred Honor"?  

So it looks like I'm finally going to a Democratic Meetup tomorrow night since enough people finally signed up this month. (Davis-Kidd Bookstore cafe, Jackson Tennessee if yer in the vicinity.)

Listed on the agenda was a discussion of Michael's Pledge, Mr. Moore's suggestions for GOTV efforts. Most are the usual...carry a stack of registration forms around and sign people up, volunteer at Dem HQ for whatever scutwork needs doing, cut work or school on election day to drive people around, you know the routine.

Then we get to THIS little item:
Or get more creative. Offer a six-pack to anyone in the office who votes (make sure you're not working in cubicles full of Republicans!). Promise to have sex with a nonvoter - whatever it takes!
Now we're going to ignore the phrasing here--I am sure Michael means "have sex with somebody who doesn't usually vote as long as they DO vote on this occasion." Mike's a filmmaker, not an English teacher.

But to the question: Would you, to save your country, have sex with somebody to get them to vote?

Caveats: Those in committed relationships, pretend for the sake of discussion that you're not. Or that your partner(s) would love and admire you all the more for your willingness to make this sacrifice for your nation.

And oh yeah, this hypothetical person should be one with whom you would NOT just as soon have sex anyway, with or without electoral consequences. This is supposed to be a serious moral question, not an excuse for you to excercise your lascivious imagination. You can do that on your own time.


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