
Monday, July 12, 2004

Health care: Not only do the Republicans oppose universal health insurance for us, they want to destroy if for other! 

Of course, worrying about importing cheap prescription drugs from countries with national health insurance is just tinkering round the edges, since it's the market clout of the single payer that keeps the prices low. Of course, Bush wants drugs to be expensive here and everywhere:

Congress is poised to approve an international trade agreement that could have the effect of thwarting a goal pursued by many lawmakers of both parties: the import of inexpensive prescription drugs to help millions of Americans without health insurance.

The agreement, negotiated with Australia by the Bush administration, would allow pharmaceutical companies to prevent imports of drugs to the United States and also to challenge decisions by Australia about what drugs should be covered by the country's health plan, the prices paid for them and how they can be used.
(via NY Times)

And after the Australians joined the coalition of the willling. That's Bush gratitude for you!

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