
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Happy Birthday Haiku 

Way back when (probably sometime in March, but that feels like the Late Jurassic these days) we had some Fun With Haiku. The time has come again and we have MUCH to celebrate today. Since we shot off all the fireworks already, and some people are also probably still hung over, something quieter seems called for.

To get you started we offer this, from dtriptv.com which has been running a Happy Birthday George! Haiku Contest. Swiped off an Atrios comment thread:
George is fifty-eight
Bet when he is fifty-nine
John is forty-four

(submitted by Julia M.)
I just know Our Readers here can do better than this, good as it is. Remember the rules: 17 syllables, first and last lines five each with seven in the middle.

Oh, and a sincere Happy Birthday, along with our condolences, to anyone with the misfortune to share a natal day with Dear Leader. I myself am stuck with sharing a day with Arnold Schwartzenegger so I know entirely how you feel.

UPDATE: And Da Winnahs ARE--

Go fuck yourself, Dick.
And the horse you rode in on?
Fuck you, too, George Bush.

Kerry/Edwards win
A landslide in November
Mission Accomplished
Tinfoil Hat Boy

The August warning.
My friend, pet goat,
My friend, my pet goat.
Sovereign Eye

And No. 1 with a bullet, as they say:

Candles on the cake
Flames gone, dead little soldiers
No photos allowed


Thanks to everyone who participated. The judge is me, the decisions arbitrary, the talent level high, the challenge great, the amount of alcohol consumed during judging substantial. We shall do this again on some suitably significant occasion.

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