
Monday, July 05, 2004


I can't define it, but I know it when I see it.

The General, Jesus' General, J.C. Christian that would be, has had the genuis to recognize a defining moment in the on-going war on public education. The good General frames it perfectly, as is his wont; but don't get lazy, do click through to the original SFGate item.

And by all means, check out the comments thread to the post; so far, except for one, they are all stellar, and speaking of genuis, our generous, lyrically gifted reader/commentator, "MJS" has posted a non-lyric classic there.

While there, don't miss the General's prayer for V.P. Cheney, which we should all join in saying, probably on a daily basis. Scroll down a ways and you'll find this post, "Reclaiming Impotence," a classic of its sort.

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