
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Drip, Drip, Drip 

The Atlanta paper has a very popular section known as "The Vent" which consists of what are essentially micro-letters to the editor. They can be sent by email but the person who picks them (known as "The Vent Guy," anonymity being important in this job for the sake of avoiding death threats) selects for local relevance along with humor when possible. These are from today's edition, with a few on non-political topics (HMO's, traffic and insect problems) omitted. Okay, one driving-related item left in because it's funny:

(via Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
The Republicans don't want the FBI to know whether I buy assault weapons, but they do want them to know which books I check out of the library. I guess the pen is still mightier than the sword.

Life Lesson No. 5,622: When a law enforcement officer says to you, "No one goes through mah town that fast," don't respond with "Sherman did."

Forget winning the Cold War. Ronald Reagan's real legacy was that he took the guilt out of being affluent. No one had to worry about sharing anymore.

John Kerry thinks that by picking a Southerner for VP, he will automatically pick up part of the South. But being a Southerner does not cancel out Edwards being one of the top five liberal senators.

If many more of President Bush's buddies become convicted felons who can't vote, it could make the difference in a very close election.

OK, I finally thought of one accomplishment by Dubya. He's made his dad look like a great president and world leader.

Kerry and Edwards kind of remind me of Batman and Robin. Bush and Cheney remind me of Pinky and the Brain.

President Bush should remember that a trial lawyer helped make him president.
See? I left in one anti-Edwards comment too. Just to prove we're fair and balanced here. But even that one is pretty weak, particularly compared to the last item. Bush is in more trouble than he knows in the South.

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