
Monday, July 12, 2004

Department of "No! They would never do that!" Postponing the November election 

Funny how all that heavy sarcasm about "we're the government and we're here to help you" melts away as soon as the Republicans start consolidating their hold on power, isn't it? From USA today (funny how Pravda on the Potomac and Isvestia on the Hudson aren't following up on this):

Counterterrorism officials are looking into the possibility of postponing the November presidential election if there is a terrorist attack at election time, Newsweek reported Sunday.

Newsweek said DeForest Soaries, chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, wants Ridge to ask Congress to pass legislation giving the government power to cancel or reschedule a federal election. Soaries said New York suspended primary elections on the day of the Sept. 11 attacks, but the federal government does not appear to have that authority.
(via USA Today)

Tom brought us up to date on this one; and I thought I was paranoid back in March: "Wingers laying the groundwork for postponing November elections". Not!

Seems to me, that in a democracy, we would want legislation to make sure that elections were held no matter what. Since otherwise, the terrorists have won, right?

Wouldn't it be a shame if election 2000 turned out to be our last free election, eh?

NOTE: Despite the spreading winger meme that the Spanish caved to AQ after the Madrid bombing, we saw that one coming and thoroughly debunked it at the time. NTodd has some typically fine analysis.

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