
Friday, July 16, 2004

The Church of Propane 

I have long since forgotten who first turned me on to Real Live Preacher, probably Melanie over at Bump in the Beltway. You'll find links to the Preach around the more eclectic sites in Left Coast Blogland, run by saner folks than I am who occasionally think about things other than politics.

Just for the hell of it give the guy a read if you need a break sometime. It would also help make sense of this particular clip if you looked at the picture of the billboard he mentions:
We Texans have always had a strange attraction to propane. I've always thought it was perfect that Hank Hill sells it. The folks who created "King of the Hill" know something about Texans.

But until I saw this billboard I had not considered the spiritual value of the compressed, flammable gasses. Comfort for the soul? Perhaps we're witnessing the birth of another major religion. If so, the Propanites are going to be MAJOR competition. I mean, preachers have always been full of hot air, but even my best sermons can't light your grill.

I hope they're at least monotheists. If we're having an interfaith dialogue, I don't think it will be fair if they get extra time to talk about their other gods - butane, methane, and natural gas. I pray they don't wear turbans, cause that's a shootin offense in some rural Texas counties these days.
Preacher is one of those "good Christians" we (sometimes) remember to cite when we've been ranting about the fundie sorts who have hijacked the microphone lately. Not to mention I would give up several body parts to write half as well as he does.

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