
Monday, July 05, 2004

Chief Justice O'Connor? 

This is a very long piece that I would probably not post were it not a holiday (for many) when we might have a little more time available.

The short: Despite the fact that the Supreme Court has not changed its membership in ten years, the internal dynamics are changing. The second half of this piece is an analysis of particular cases, but even those who are not legal wonks might enjoy the first part.

(via NYT)
WASHINGTON, July 4 — Although it has been 10 years since its membership last changed, the Supreme Court that concluded its term last week was, surprisingly and in important ways, a new court.
It is too soon to say for sure, but it is possible that the 2003-04 term may go down in history as the one when Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist lost his court.
With all the angst in progress over Kerry's possible choices for VP, this is a reminder that there are other, larger issues at stake. Whoever wins in November is likely to name at least two members of SCOTUS and very possibly more.

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