
Monday, June 21, 2004

When Crying "Unfair!" is Unwise 

Way back when, in the early Jurassic maybe (actually May 16, back) the Washington Post ran a gorgeous interactive graphic called "Spheres of Influence" which noted in great and lavish detail how fundraisers for the House of Bush were interconnected, both across the generations, through several iterations of failed businesses (i.e. Arbusco, Harken Energy, the Texas Rangers, etc.) and also noting the extensive rate at which the said bribery artists were later rewarded with government posts, often in the agencies supposed to regulate their particular fields.

Well, here today pops up "Spheres of Influence" again. Why might this be, you wonder? Turns it it was for the purpose of running this:
Correction: An item that is part of this interactive graphic incorrectly reported that Southern Co. was a client of Roger Windham Wallace’s when Wallace worked at Public Strategies Inc., a lobbying group. The item also incorrectly said that Wallace ran the International Trade Commission during the George H.W. Bush administration; he was actually a deputy undersecretary of commerce for international trade. And it said he is a member of the Inter-American Foundation; he has been nominated for membership but has not been confirmed.
So this Wallace person, or else somebody from the Bushco/RNC Complex, spent an entire month scrutinizing this chart and finally managed to come up with ONE miniscule item to cry about. And the result of this grand accomplishment? The post gets to run this chart again for anybody who might have missed it the first time.

Go read it. Search hard for any item which you know, or even suspect, might be in error--it could be a mistake about the Texas Rangers AAA farm team's collective ERA for the years of Bush ownership--and note it in Comments. We'll keep the list and send one to the Post every month until the election. If we get enough we'll kick it up to one a week in October. Great art cannot be seen too often.

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