
Thursday, June 03, 2004

Top 10 Things George Tenet Will Do Now that He Has Free Time 


Alert reader Ken Ashford:

00. Spend more time with his fam- . . . his famil--

HAR-har-HAR-har!!!! Sorry. Almost did with a straight face

Alert reader raison de fem:

00. Watch back carefully for knife insertion.


One from me:

00. Cut the soles off his shoes, sit in a tree, and learn to play the flute!

From alert reader Vicki:

00. Hire his own lawyer.

00. Return Al Franken's call for an interview.

From alert reader target_acquired:

00. buy bush a year's supply of pretzels

From alert reader Bryan:

00. Return Michael Moore's phone call and have lunch with Seymour Hersh.

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