
Monday, June 28, 2004

So, did Bremer scuttle away with a bag over his shoulder? 

A bag stuffed with money?

It seems that $20 billion is missing:

A new Christian Aid report says the US-controlled coalition in Baghdad is handing over power to an Iraqi government without having properly accounted for what it has done with some $20 billion of Iraq's own money.

'For the entire year that the CPA has been in power in Iraq, it has been impossible to tell with any accuracy what the CPA has been doing with Iraq's money,' said Helen Collinson, head of policy at Christian Aid.

Resolution 1483 of May 2003 said that Iraq's oil revenues should be paid into the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), that this money should be spent in the interests of the Iraqi people, and be independently audited. But it took until April 2004 to appoint an auditor - leaving only a matter of weeks to go through the books.

Early reports of the audit indicate strong criticisms of the CPA's handling of Iraq's money. But the CPA is not going to be around to be held accountable.
(via Christian Aid)

The full report is here.

But—but—How is this possible?! A bunch of 20-somethings from the Heritage Foundation were in charge!

From the people who brought you Enron...

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