
Thursday, June 17, 2004

Introducing The Ronald Reagan 40 Cent Stamp 

In honor of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America. Our national Camp Cock-n-Bull canoe ride instructor, bear in the bunkhouse bellwether, and gaslight mystic, I mean!... well, i don't know what i mean... and friend to lunatics, I mean leaders!, from around the world - or wherever. I've designed a nice postage stamp for the occasion, I mean tribute! Yes, a tribute, a tribute to Ronald "Big Voodoo" Reagan. What a guy.

Backtrack info and inspirational input here

The postage stamp depicts the Ronald Reagan National Monument which sits high atop Mount Reagan in the Carbon Monoxide Tree National Forest where Gipper Creek runs fast and clear from the wellsprings of Amnesia.

Not too far from where the deer and the cantaloupe play. (Really, take my word for it, I've been there.)

With apologies to Big Boys everywhere.


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