
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

"In the long run, we're all dead." 

But in the short term, there's looting to be done!

In its latest report, in March, the Bush administration said the Social Security trust fund would be exhausted in 2042. By contrast, the Congressional Budget Office said it would not be depleted until 2052.
(via Times)

I think the Republican party is like a shark.

Just as a shark has to keep swimming or else it sinks and drowns, so the Bush administration has to keep offering new ways for its owners to loot the public Treasury, or else it loses their "loyalty." So, after the looting Medicare with that phony prescription plan that nobody's buying, they have to move on to loot Social Security. Or else they'll drown and die.

So, let's protect Social Security and send the Republicans to the bottom.

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