
Friday, June 25, 2004

Goodnight, moon 

Sheesh, you'd think a billion dollar corporation would be able to fix the blogger spooge for Netscape users, and get stats.blogger.com up and running again in less than two days. In fact, it's remarkable that stats.blogger.com went down at all. I mean, shouldn't it be a redundant system or something? Two days with no numbers! My withdrawal symptoms were getting real bad.

And what to say about Dick "Dick" Cheney? I think we've really, well, looked into his soul:

When pressed on whether the vice president had actually dropped the F-bomb on the Vermont lawmaker, Cheney responded: "That's not the kind of language I usually use."

Does that sound like a "response" to you?

These guys can't give a straight answer to anything, can they?

They're so twisty they've got to use corkscrews to get their pants on in the morning.

corrente SBL - New Location
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