
Friday, June 04, 2004

Goodnight, moon 

Maybe Smarty Jones will win the Triple Crown tomorrow. Please God, if you exist, could you please let Philly win something for once?

Meanwhile, I must—as several alert readers have pointed out—work on my zeroes. Since I'm a former humanities major, arithmetic is hard for me, and the only programming language I really know is Python, so zero is, you know, just one of the three Boolean values...

So maybe if I used Roman numerals, I wouldn't get mixed up with the zeroes. Let's see... A thousand is M, so a billion would be MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... No, that's way too hard. And we in God's Country have a billion with one number of zeroes (eight, is it?), and the Brits have one with nine or thirteen, whatever, and the Canadians, they're metric, so that's probably another kind of billion entirely, and of course the French Canadians have their own, boullion...

All I know is it's very confusing. And besides, the Arabs invented the zero, along with all those other numerals, so anyone who uses the zero must hate America.

So maybe I could just count on my fingers? But then is my left thumb zero, or one?

I'm going to bed. And not counting sheep. At least I hope.

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