
Monday, June 14, 2004

Dignity Returns to the White House 

"You know, most the people I've known in this business, Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, were good people, honest people, and they did what they thought was right. And I hope that I'll live long enough to see American politics return to vigorous debates where we argue who's right and wrong, not who's good and bad."

My experience is, most the people I've known in this work are good people who love their country desperately.And I am profoundly grateful that for a brief period I had a chance to be one of them.

Thank you very much.

President William Jefferson Clinton, two-term, popularly elected Democrat

(via The Washington Post, which gets the dignity of their full and proper name in honor of some damn fine reporting lately.) (And as long as you're there you really oughta read Froomkin too.)

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