
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Digby Rocks 

If you haven't visited Hullabaloo lately you should drop by and read the last couple of days worth of posts. Digby's writing lately reminds me of the way Zorro used to go zip-zip-zip with his sword to carve a "Z" across the tummies of his opponents (only their garments, of course, but usually slashing their waistbands in such a manner as to cause their pants to fall down.) Dig's letter of choice is "W"--and to hell with the pants, he's going for blood.

(via Hullabaloo)
Meme Vaccine

George Tenet is not responsible for the fact that the administration's claims that Saddam's WMD and terrorist ties were bogus --- the president, vice president and secretary of defense are. George Tenet is personally responsible to the extent that he was a good little soldier instead of resigning as he should have when he realized that they were just making shit up. That particular form of integrity seems to be as out of fashion as firing people for incompetence.

Be sure and read the comments underneath. One of them is worth reprinting here. I do not know that this is true, I do not know that "sw" meant it to be believed or intended it as pure sarcasm. But if you happened to see Tenet's hail-and-farewell speech to the CIA ground troops, see if you don't have a mental "click" moment when many things, including otherwise inexplicable timing, suddenly fall into place:

Tenet has been wearing a wire for [US Attorney Peter "Plamegate"] Fitzpatrick. This is the essence of "Chicago Style" prosecution. You get the biggest fish you can find. Then you flip him to get the boss. Tenet was the biggest fish. He wore the wire. That's the way you crack the mob. Once you have the tapes, he is free to resign. Cheney and Bush better lawyer up. Oh yeah...

UPDATE: Of course if I had been paying attention I would have noticed that sw said the same thing in our own comments thread in response to Lambert's earlier link to the John Dean piece. I too must go sit in the Penance Corner now.

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