
Sunday, June 06, 2004

Cracked Pottery 

You know, if there was anybody running as a Democrat anywhere in America, who was as far to the left as these guys are to the Right, we'd never hear the end of it.

First, we present Mr. Robinson. He is, we are told, black, but he has come up with a creative solution to our racial problems: blame everything on those BROWN guys:

(via dKos)
Intro from dKos person: "Vernon Robinson is running for Congress in North Carolina's 5th district. Whoever wins the GOP primary wins the race, as it's a heavy (R) district." What follows is from a transcript of Mr. Robinson's radio ad:
JOVIAL VOICE: "Vernon Robinson, conservative."

ROD SERLING VOICE [simulated on account of Mr. Serling has been dead for some time now, and would no more have done an ad on behalf of this bozo than the man in the moon]: "The aliens are here, but they didn't come in a spaceship. They came across our unguarded Mexican border by the millions."

CREEPY: "Illegally."

[NOT] ROD SERLING: "They filled our criminal court rooms and invaded our schools. They sponge off the American taxpayer by clogging our welfare lines and our hospital emergency rooms. They've even taken over the DMV. These aliens commit heinous crimes against us like Maximiliano Esparza who raped a nun and strangled her with her own rosary."

Mr. Robinson has some more complaints about these evil brown guys; apparently besides the nun-raping they ruin North Carolinian's lives by screwing up their orders at McDonalds. And they speak languages other than English, the fiends!

Our second example of wingnuttery comes from The State newspaper of Columbia, South Carolina:

The most unusual candidate for S.C. Senate this year may be Ron Wilson, the national commander of the 30,000-plus-member Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Running as a Republican for an Anderson County seat in Tuesday’s primary, Wilson openly promotes the right of secession. He also wants to have “Confederate Southern Americans” designated a specific minority group, like Hispanics or African-Americans.

“Confederate Southern Americans are a separate and distinct people,” Wilson said in a statement posted on the Internet. “As a people, Confederate Southern Americans are tired of being the ‘whipping boy’ for the rest of the country’s racial problems.”

If I were a bad person (no comments from the peanut gallery please!) I would hope these two gentlemen would win their respective primaries, because it would be so delicious to have to watch the RNC from Bush on down (up?) have to figure out what to do with them. Plus, these two would just make such a hell of a team.

NOTE Atrios has more on the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

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