Saturday, May 15, 2004
The paper in front on the hotel room door says Bush should go
Well, OK. Not the paper. It's an OpEd by the owner of the paper. Still:
Mainstream in the blogosphere for over two years finally makes it, well, the mainstream.
Of course, Inerrant Boy will never resign. And after raising $200 million dollars? Forget about it.
In any case, it's essential not merely to get rid of Bush—by allowing him to step aside in a statesman-like way—but to thoroughly repudiate him. That's the only way we can restore our standing in the world, and, more importantly, our own national self-respect (for those not in the deep, deep denial promoted by winger groupthink).
Worse, if Bush did resign, his successor might win. That would mean that Bush's more disgraceful and destructive policies could take root.
So, I'm glad Al Neuharth put the boot in, but I think Bush is better for us. Readers?
Only a carefully planned withdrawal can clean up the biggest military mess miscreated in the Oval Office and miscarried by the Pentagon in my 80-year lifetime. In Journalese, the traditional five Ws of Who, What, When, Where, Why:
Who? George W. Bush.
What? His cowboy culture.
When? After 9/11. Bush bravely took on a necessary fight against terrorists who attacked us. But then he diverted his attention to an unrelated and unnecessary "pre-emptive" war.
Where? Iraq. He led us astray by falsely claiming Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that threatened us. After the "Mission Accomplished" boast in May 2003, he put our troops in new jeopardy by taunting terrorists from other countries with his "Bring 'em on!" challenge last July 2. His anything-goes-against-the-bad-guys attitude and his total lack of postwar planning helped prompt the ongoing prison-abuse embarrassments and brutal retaliations.
Why? Because he believes he can be re-elected as a tough-talking, self-proclaimed "War President."
(via Atrios in USA Today)
Mainstream in the blogosphere for over two years finally makes it, well, the mainstream.
Of course, Inerrant Boy will never resign. And after raising $200 million dollars? Forget about it.
In any case, it's essential not merely to get rid of Bush—by allowing him to step aside in a statesman-like way—but to thoroughly repudiate him. That's the only way we can restore our standing in the world, and, more importantly, our own national self-respect (for those not in the deep, deep denial promoted by winger groupthink).
Worse, if Bush did resign, his successor might win. That would mean that Bush's more disgraceful and destructive policies could take root.
So, I'm glad Al Neuharth put the boot in, but I think Bush is better for us. Readers?