
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Kerry wants McCain for DOD chief 

This will certainly get Inerrant Boy's knickers in a twist!

Democratic challenger John Kerry said on Wednesday his first choice as defense secretary would be Republican Sen. John McCain as he criticized the Bush administration for failed policies in Iraq.
(via Reuters)

Wonder if Kerry checked with McCain first? Heh.

UPDATE: Several alert readers (thanks cs, PFC, and The Trooper) have left comments explaining the context of Kerry's remarks, which was a discussion on Imus In The Morning of why it wouldn't be a problem to have Rumsfeld resign, (assuming you weren't a puppet/Emperor like "W"); Imus wondered if that would leave Wolfowitz in charge, and Kerry, challenged to name a successor, remarked that there were any number of fine replacements at hand, McCain being first among others, including John Warner and Carl Levin. Kerry didn't actually make an annoucement that once elected, McCain would be Kerry's first choice. The cross discussion on that program is always intense; if Kerry finds it necessary to clarify, watch for immediate charges of another flip-flop; see how difficult it is to be a presidential challanger when you're up against an incumbent whose record is so free of evidence of having made serious errors. And yes, it does depend on your definition of "serious" and "errors."

UPDATE My fingers outran my brain in the comments section—I don't actually want quotes taken out of context even if it does get Inerrant Boy's knickers in a twist. Not liberal behavior, that. Fortunately, good citation enables readers to check. My bad. —lambert.

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