
Sunday, May 02, 2004

Joseph Wilson transcript 

Here. Disgusting stuff about WhiteWash House operations. But the saddest paragraph of all, I think, is this:

[WILSON] I think you can understand after you interviewed Mr. Woodward last week that when 75 people speak to Mr. Woodward with the authorization of the president and only two of them want to be identified, you can imagine that those who have other information but are fearful of what the White House might do, they also do not want to be identified. And I say that because, of course, I mention in the book that there are also reports from journalists back to me that they're fearful of writing these stories. One journalist said because he was afraid he would end up in Guantanamo, which is basically I think a metaphor for their being cut off. Another one said that, of course, they had two children in private schools and a mortgage. Now, I've since heard from other journalists that even the most mildly critical articles about this administration yield top-level phone calls back to their editors including phone calls from Mr. Libby himself to their editors.

This can, I think, explain if not excuse the sheep-like behavior of the SCLM. I wonder what values the children are growing up with, in their private schools, but that's between them and their parents.

It's also fascinating to watch the exercise of raw power—"children in private schools and a mortgage." On the mortgage, Allen "Bubbles" Greenspan has them by the short and curlies. And it's too bad the Republicans have spent a generation trying to destroy the public schools in favor of vouchers and ideological nostrums. Interesting connection—if our public schools were more functional, we would might have a freer press. Only connect...

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