
Sunday, May 09, 2004

Iraq prison torure: "A fair and transparent process" 

You know, when I heard RNC/CPA flak Dan Senor call for "a fair and transparent process" for dealing with the Iraq prison tortures, I had a momentary feeling of hope: that these guys would change, that just this one time, they'd stop trying to play us for suckers, and have exhibit a little common decency.

Not a chance.

You know what "fair and transparent" turns out to mean? Show trials for the the Privates and Specialists!

A 24-year-old military policeman will face a public court martial in Baghdad next week, the first of seven American soldiers to be tried on charges of abusing Iraqi prisoners, a U.S. military spokesman said Sunday.
(via Reuters)

How can they expect anyone to be fooled by this?

Meanwhile, Rummy takes responsibility by uttering the words "I take responsibility" (thereby proving, if anyone didn't already know, that in the malAdministration it's truly impossible to get fired—except for telling the truth). Too bad the troops can't do the same thing. Well, shit rolls downhill, right?

Now, a show trial for Rummy in Baghdad—that might get people's attention. He's so very, very duck pit ready.

I'd call it a total failure of leadership

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