
Thursday, May 06, 2004

Bush "Not Happy" 

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush has told Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld he was "not happy" that he learned about photos of Iraqi prison abuse by watching television, a senior administration official told CNN.

Bush held a private meeting in the Oval Office with Rumsfeld about the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the official said Wednesday.

"He was not happy, and he let Secretary Rumsfeld know about it," the official said.
(via CNN)
"Not happy," huh?

Boy now that's letting him have it!

How's that for decisive "the buck stops here" leadership?

But come one folks, does anyone really believe W really said anything like that?

Hell, does anyone believe Bush even "chastised" Rumsfeld at all?

Like Nixon and his aides (which, suspiciously enough, are largely the same people around W today), they're just angry that they got caught.

W's mock outrage is downright hilarious, isn't it?

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