
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Abu Ghraib torture: Soldier "ordered," says defense lawyer 


An Army reservist [Lynndie R. England, 21,] who was photographed smiling and pointing at naked, bound Iraqi prisoners had been ordered to pose because her presence would be especially humiliating to the men, her attorneys said.

The photos were staged by intelligence agents to intimidate other prisoners, and appearing naked in front of a young woman would be especially humiliating to Iraqi men, attorney Rose Mary Zapor said Monday.

"The (soldiers) pictured were congratulated. They were told the photographs were successful in gathering information," Zapor said.

Another of England's Denver-based attorneys, Giorgio Ra'shadd, was at Fort Bragg, N.C., where England is now stationed, on Tuesday. He said in a telephone interview that he planned to spend the day meeting with Army lawyers and his client.

He said his client was being offered up as a scapegoat for the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners.

"What is offensive to me is that we have generals and the secretary of defense hiding behind a 20-year-old farm girl from West Virginia who lives in a trailer park," Ra'Shadd said.
(via AP)

Nice shot! It's offensive to a lot of people.

Say, the "commander" in "chief" of those generals, and the "boss" of that secretary, our "CEO President," is doing a pretty good job of hiding too, isn't He?

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