
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Your Bill Bennett ~ Traditional Marriage Moment... 

For no particular reason.

Here comes the hunka-hunka burnin' love bride:

The bride is a woman of wonderous fascination and a remarkable attractiveness, for with manner as enchanting as the wand of a siren and a disposition as sweet as the odor of flowers, and spirit as joyous as the caroling of birds and mind as brilliant as those glittering tresses that adorn the brow of Winter and with heart as pure as dewdrops trembling in a coronet of violets, she will make the home of her husband a paradise of enchantment like the lovely home of her girlhood where the heaven-toned harp of marriage, with its chords of love and devotion and fond endearments sent forth the sweetest strains of felicity that ever thrilled the senses with the rhythmic pulsing of ecstatic rapture." ~ The Charlotteville Chronicle social/society page. 1926

Sweet screechin' mother of creeping baby Jesus!
Where do you go from there? I hope she comes with extra batteries and a good pea soup recipe.


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