
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

With friends like these ... 

Every so often, I read the Christian Broadcasting Network, and they unearthed this nugget:

On Monday at a press conference with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Bush said the FBI's 70 on-going investigations in 2001 on al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden gave him comfort.

Bush said, "It meant the FBI was doing its job. The FBI was running down any lead. And, I will tell you this, if they had found something they would have reported back to me. That's the way the system works."
(via CBN)

No, it isn't. As the 9/11 Commission is in the process of showing.

Bush just seems goofily passive and weirdly ignorant of how stuff gets done in DC. It's a Federal system, with separation of powers. Conflict is built in. (That's why Condi's excuse that it is a "structural" problem is so pathetically naive.) The FBI is an independent agency, in fact and even more so politically. That isn't a "technical" problem to be solved with better information systems.

It isn't enough to wait for a report to come back! You have to shake the trees!

Oh, my head. I can feel it starting to explode again.

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