
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Wingers: Klan better than Kerry 

You'd have to laugh at the sheer over-the-top looniness of it, if only the statement didn't come from an uber-rich member of the Coors dynasty:

The New York Times inadvertently published a photo of Republican Senate candidate Pete Coors above a story about a KKK member who murdered a black sharecropper. The Times published a correction Saturday.

Cinamon Watson, spokeswoman for Coors, said the error was "so outrageous it's kind of funny. It could have been worse. Pete could have been identified as John Kerry."

Coors, head of the Coors brewing empire, is seeking the Republican nomination to fill the seat being vacated by Republican Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who is retiring.
(via AP)

Hey, nice to see the Republicans moving to the center at last. Oh, wait...

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