
Friday, April 23, 2004

Wash Post Rinse 

Ted Sampley is once again running amok in the wheelhouse. And apparently Lois Romano of the Washington Post has scurried aboard for the seasick jag. Which would also explain why Romano has been vomiting a familiar slurpy of old grog all over the salty deck of her own leaky frigate the Washington Post.

Way to go Lois. Some people never learn. Maybe swabbie Jimmy Olson will show up and slap you up side the head with a wet mop. In the meantime readers can write to WaPo's sleepy shore patrol trooper Michael Getler and let him know what you think of this recent hanky waving on behalf of Sampley's boozy ship of CREEPs.

Leah provides the follow-up info in the post below, see EdwardPig, Props To You, so I won't repeat the content found there. But, just for the record, i will repeat the following previous statement from Sen. John McCain as it applies to Ted Sampley and his noisy boatload of clatterous whelps.

"I strongly caution reporters who may be contacted by or are interested in Mr. Ted Sampley and the various organizations he claims to represent, and his opinions on the subject of Senator Kerry, or any subject for that matter, to investigate thoroughly Mr. Sampley's background and history of spreading outrageous slander and other disreputable behavior before inadvertently lending him or his allegations any credibility."

"I am well familiar with Mr. Sampley, and I know him to be one of the most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. I consider him a fraud who preys on the hopes of family members of missing servicemen for his own profit. He is dishonorable, an enemy of the truth, and despite his claims, he does not speak for or represent the views of all but a few veterans. The many veterans I know would think it a disgrace to be considered a comrade or supporter of Ted Sampley." [source: statement of John McCain]

Heave it overboard Romano. Or report to the dispensary straightaway.


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