
Monday, April 12, 2004

Totally Awesome Teen Tales 

And other great momemts in minor development.

[snip] "Hi its been a long time my dad got fired from his job becuz of librals and then we had to cut off the internet too but now we're back since my mom and dad both work at mcdonalds opposite shifts plus my dad works overnights at a kinkos store. George Bush is awesome for creating a country where there's so many jobs that people can have two at the same time! I do not know how people complain about the jobs in america because the jobs are like so everywhere if you are not lazy and go look for them and you aren't a girl who doesn't get married and has libral sex and a baby." [snip]

Most likely to become a right wing radio talk show host.
Go read some more at: Angry 15 Year Olds For Bush

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