
Monday, April 05, 2004

Run Away O'Reilly 

Bill O'Reilly - go screw yourself.

WASHINGTON (Talon News) -- Last week, radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy told Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson of CNN's Crossfire that he would like "a shot at Bill O'Reilly," after he was asked what conservative would he most like to take on during the 'rapid fire' segment of the show.

G Gordon Liddy: "O'Reilly is an embarrassment to our side," - "O'Reilly is no good at radio and part of that reason is because his most nuanced response to a complex question is "SHUT UP."

O'Reilly's producer (FoxTV) invites Liddy to appear on O'Reilly Factor if he apologizes for statements. Liddy responds: "Tell Bill to pound sand, I'm not apologizing for anything." - Offer to appear withdrawn.

Liddy: "Bill did what all bullies do, he ran when someone stood up to him. I found this to be true of bullies as a child and I found it to be true in prison."

Heh. Liddy Takes Aim at O'Reilly

Atrios has more O'Reilly capers here: O'Lielly (as if you didn't know that already)

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