
Monday, April 26, 2004

The party of Lincoln, or the party of Amway? 

As we know, Acting President Rove has spent a good deal of his $170 million on a multilevel-marketing, pyramid scheme to attract new voters (back). Democratic Veteran supplies some of the nauseating detail. He's experienced the Cult of Amway:

No matter how shitty the product, [themultilevel marketers] want their true believers to each recruit and be responsible for others down-stream. It's a brilliant concept, and one that better be countered, and quickly by the Democrats, because like my mom, the recruited "down-line" voters won't know that they have a basement full of cheap-ass toilet paper until the bills come due after the election. I think my mom is still paying off the toilet paper. We never discuss it anymore, after she lost all her friends trying to get them to become "distributors".
(via Democratic Veteran)

Hey, sounds like a more sophisticated variant of bait and switch. Readers, any ideas on how to counter Rove's strategy?

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