
Monday, April 12, 2004

Memes and the memo 

An interesting sample from Reuters. Content aside:

K.B. Forbes, a Republican operative who has worked on the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes, said most undecided voters would make up their minds on the election in September and October, by which time the memo would be a footnote.

"I don't think it's politically damaging. What is hurting Bush much more than this is the quagmire in Iraq," he said.

(via Reuters)

Looks like the reporter has been reading the blogosphere, doesn't it? "Operative", "quagmire"....

I also love the way that the SCLM goes to Republicans all the time for "objective" advice. Working on the principle that this is just disinformation, it looks like the memo must be really hurting Bush. And why wouldn't it?

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