
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Let's all keep calm about the polls, shall we? 

So saieth Josh Marshall and Kos. So Bush's $50 million bucks (of $185 million) this month didn't buy a whole lot.

Then again, as Atrios points out, if Kerry can't show Bush's "war President" shtick for what it is, Bush's slight but measurable lead might continue all the way through election (or, Heaven forfend, "election") day.

House to house, door to door, this is the conversation we need to be having. Since, after all, we've been right so far.

UPDATE Pandagon weighs in:

So the thing we should take from these polls isn't a climb for Bush or a drop from Kerry, it's a hardened electorate registering no change. Gallup and Zogby are clearly using sampling/weighting methods leading them to different numbers, one favoring Bush and one favoring Kerry, and since both are respected firms with reasonable track records the only thing to do is look at the trend lines. Of which there aren't any. Which that Bush's press conference did him absolutely no good and the edlectorate is exactly as divided as before it. Shock! Awe! Peculiar!

Definitely, we need more bake sales (immediately below), and no, I'm not being ironic

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