
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Krugman: On our way out, leave the golden key under the mat for the moderate Shi'ites 

I'm so tired of hearing that infantilizing "bad guys" rhetoric. So, apparently, is Krugman.

When will we learn that we're not going to end the mess in Iraq by getting bad guys? There are always new bad guys to take their place. And let's can the rhetoric about staying the course. In fact, we desperately need a change in course.

The best we can realistically hope for now is to turn power over to relatively moderate Iraqis with a real base of popular support. Yes, that mainly means Islamic clerics. The architects of the war will complain bitterly, and claim that we could have achieved far more. But they've been wrong about everything so far — and if we keep following their advice, Iraq really will turn into another Vietnam.
(via The Times)

Sistani, Sistani I love you Sistani,
Your’e always a day away...

Heck, I guess I'd better leave this lyrical stuff to alert reader MJS.

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